android studio 启动卡死解决

android studio 无法启动解决。启动 android studio 时显示启动画面,但一直无法继续

可以安装 IntelliJ IDEA Edition 启动时提示 bind 错误。

因为 IDEA需要在端口6942~6991间找到一个可用端口并绑定(bind) 。但是这些端口被 Hyper-V 占用。有两种解决方案

  1. 执行
    ```netsh winsock reset ```

  2. 让 hyper-v 在占用端口中排除一个端口, 可能要安装 KB4074588
    @veqryn the workaround worked for me, the steps are:
    Disable hyper-v (which will required a couple of restarts)
    dism.exe /Online /Disable-Feature:Microsoft-Hyper-V
    When you finish all the required restarts, reserve the port you want so hyper-v doesn't reserve it back
    netsh int ipv4 add excludedportrange protocol=tcp startport=<端口号> numberofports=1
    Re-Enable hyper-V (which will require a couple of restart)
    dism.exe /Online /Enable-Feature:Microsoft-Hyper-V /All
    when your system is back, you will be able to bind to that port successfully.

[IDEA启动报错 Address already in use: bind - 蓝天上的云℡ - 博客园 (](
